We hope to see you this Wednesday, January 29, for Reading All-Star Night! The event is scheduled from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and promises an action-packed evening of reading, games, family fun, and more!
1 day ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Reading night
Catch up on your news from the hive by reading through the latest newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/bdj2h-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
1 day ago, Flossmoor School District 161
MLK Enews
On Saturday, November 16, 2024, weather permitting, Flossmoor School District 161 will be applying an herbicide and a fertilizer to the district’s fields / grass areas at Normandy Villa, Serena Hills, Western Avenue, Heather Hill, Flossmoor Hills, and Parker Junior High. The products that will be used for this application are The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with Barricade Herbicide and Trimec 992 Broadleaf Herbicide. These products comprise a selective broadleaf herbicide and a lawn fertilizer that will be used to control weeds / dandelions in these areas and will also fertilize all district lawns. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Stachacz, Director of Buildings and Grounds, at (708) 647-7005.
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Get your weekly Heather Hill Hive updates by clicking the link. https://secure.smore.com/n/ksvd4-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Hive Updates
Attendance matters at Heather Hill School, and we are proud to say that our Kdg, 1st, 3rd, and 4th grade classes came in with a 97% attendance rating last week. Keep up the good work Hornets and stay healthy so we can continue to see your smiling faces in school. See you tomorrow!
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
News you can use, Hornets! Let's keep our attendance rating up, as our third graders reached an astounding 96% rating last week. Catch up on your school news by clicking the newsletter link. https://secure.smore.com/n/k8d3qu-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
HH hornets
Good afternoon, Heather Hill Hornets! Be sure to check out the latest news from the Hive! https://secure.smore.com/n/3104v-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Hive Updates
🎀 Celebrating Strength, Hope, and Unity at Heather Hill 🎀 Congratulations to 2nd-grade teacher Ms. Callahan for transforming her breast cancer journey into a source of inspiration! With support from Ms. Humm, Mr. Small, and the entire Heather Hill School community, Ms. Callahan led our school’s first-ever Think Pink Day this morning in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Ms. Callahan and staff welcomed local breast cancer survivors to a special breakfast, creating space for them to share their stories over coffee and light refreshments. We were honored to have Darnesha Evans from the Cancer Support Center and Project Kennedy join us, offering valuable resources and information. Throughout October, the entire school has collected donations to support these amazing organizations. Heather Hill is incredibly proud of our school community for coming together to spread positivity and show support for all staff, students, and families impacted by cancer—especially Ms. Callahan, the heart behind today's event. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this celebration one of strength, hope, and unity! 🎀
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Catch up on all of your news from the Heather Hill Hive! https://secure.smore.com/n/vc2xy-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Reminder to D161 families: There will be no school on October 11 in observance of Yom Kippur and no school on October 14. We will see you in class on Tuesday, October 15.
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
No School
Last week, the third graders came in with the highest attendance percentage at our school! We encourage you to take some time this evening to read through your Heather Hill Hive news. It's a great way to stay informed about the upcoming week and be prepared for any school-related activities or events. We love seeing our students focused, working hard, and being good friends. Keep up the good work, Hornets! https://secure.smore.com/n/u1gp7-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Attendance graphic
weekly attendance
Get ready for Rock Your Schools Week! Beginning Monday, September 23!
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
rock your schools
The Heather Hill Hornets had a 97% attendance rating this week, with the 3rd graders coming in with a 99% attendance rating! Way to go, Hornets! The hive was buzzing with activity all week.
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Attendance graphic
Check out the latest news from the Heather Hill Hive! https://secure.smore.com/n/hzb7d-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
On Saturday and Sunday, September 7th and 8th 2024, weather permitting, Flossmoor School District 161 will be applying an herbicide and a fertilizer to the district’s fields / grass areas at Serena Hills, Western Avenue, Heather Hill, Flossmoor Hills, and Parker Junior High. The products that will be used for this application are The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with Barricade Herbicide and Trimec 992 Broadleaf Herbicide. These products comprise a selective broadleaf herbicide and a lawn fertilizer that will be used to control weeds / dandelions in these areas and will also fertilize all district lawns. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Stachacz, Director of Buildings and Grounds, at (708) 647-7005.
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
District Logo
Hello from the Hive! Did you miss the newsletter this week? No worries! Click the link and check out your Heather Hill School newsletter. https://secure.smore.com/n/vngw4-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
kids at recess
From the desk of Mr. Small: We have completed another great week of learning at Heather Hill! We want to encourage all our scholars to come to school daily. Our attendance numbers for the week are listed below. We understand that when children are sick, they should stay home. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours before coming to school. Other symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and severe cough, should be reviewed with medical professionals. If students are not ill, we expect our Hornets to join us daily for learning. We look forward to seeing them every day and learning together! I hope you are enjoying this long weekend! We have a desired percentage of 93% of our students to be present for the week, and we are delighted to announce that we have met this goal! This is a reflection of the hard work and commitment of our students and the support of their parents. Together, we can and will continue to achieve the goal here at the Hive! Heather Hill: 87.4% of students were present for this week of school! Kindergarten: 4.7% were absent First Grade: 6.9% were absent Second Grade: 7.9% were absent Third Grade: 4.4% were absent Fourth Grade: 6.03% were absent Fifth Grade: 9.8% were absent
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
A reminder to our D161 family: There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day. We will see you back in class on Tuesday, September 3.
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
No School
#ICYMI Catch up on the latest information from the Heather Hill Hive by reading through the weekly newsletter. https://secure.smore.com/n/pavmr-what-s-happening-at-the-hive
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Attendance is essential and helps ensure your students do their best in school. Regular attendance also ensures that students are consistently engaged in learning and developing critical skills that will contribute to their future success. We understand that children should stay home when they are sick, but if they are healthy, we love seeing our Hornets in the Hive!
5 months ago, Stephanie Wright
Attendance graphic