Serena Hills Learning Materials Pick-Up Days
Breakfast Lunch Pick Up
Today 1/19 & Tomorrow 1/20
Thanksgiving Week
Breakfast/Lunch Distribution will take place on Monday 11/23 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Please note there will be NO pick up on Wednesday.
Thank you for your donation!
Echo devices and Canvas
Serena Special Star Student
Serena Hills Spirit Days
Fall Fest is almost ready!
Fall Fest - New Hours 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
ComEd has bill assistance options available to those who may be struggling with past-due balances or experiencing financial hardships due to the ongoing pandemic. ComEd remains diligent to their commitment to provide our students and staff with reliable, safe, and affordable electricity during this unprecedented time of elearning.
For support, call 1-800-334-7661 or visit
The Serena Hills PTO - Spirit Wear Store now open! Get your orders in today!!! Go to -->
Join the Serena Hills PTO for our first meeting of the year!
Congratulations to the Serena Special Star Students of the Week!
Happy October Birthdays!
Happy World Teacher Day to our Serena Hills Star Teachers!!! #october5th #worldteachersday #serenahills
See you soon!
We’re ready for Supply pick-up! Stop by from 8:30-3:00 today. Can’t wait to see all of you!